英语口语1500句(2) - 老马资料库


类别:学科知识 时间:2022-11-24 00:41:24 点击:266

301. What color is your book?  你的书本是什么颜色的?

302. My book has a dark blue cover. 我的书本的封面是深蓝色的。

303. How much does that typewriter weigh? 那个打字机有多重?

304. It’s not too heavy,but I don’t know the exact weight. 


305. This round table weighs about forty-five pounds.


306. What size suitcase do you own?  你的小提箱是什么尺码的?

307. One of my suitcases is small,and the other one is medium size.


308. I like the shape of that table.我喜欢那张桌子的形状。

309. How long is Jones Boulevard Street?  

     Jones Boulevard街有多长?

310. That street is only two miles long. 那条街只有两英里长。

311. Will you please measure this window to see how wide it is? 


312. This window is just as wide as that one. 


313. The walls are three inches thick. 这些墙有三英尺厚。

314. This material feels soft.这种材料摸上去很软。

315. This pencil is longer than that one. 这个铅笔比另一个长。

316. Would you please tell Mr. John that I’m here?


317. Take these books home with you tonight. 


318. Please bring me those magazines. 


319. Would you help me lift this heavy box? 


320. Please ask John to turn on the lights. 


321. Put your books down on the table. 


322. Get me a hammer from the kitchen,will you?  


323. Hang up my coat in the closet ,will you please? 


324. Please don’t bother me now.I’m very busy. 


325. Would you mind mailing this letter for me? 


326. If you have time,will you call me tomorrow? 


327. Please pick up those cups and saucers. 


328. Will you do me a favor? 你能帮个忙吗? 

329. Please count the chairs in that room.


330. Please pour this milk into that glass.


331. Excuse me,sir.Can you give me some information? 


332. Can you tell me where Peach Street is? 

     你能告诉我Peach Street在哪吗?

333. It’s two blocks straight ahead. 


334. Which direction is it to the theatre? 


335. Turn right at the next corner。 在下个路口向右拐。

336. How far is it to the university? 到大学还有多远?

337. It’s a long way from here. 从这算起还有很长的一段路。

338. The school is just around the corner. 学校就在拐角处。

339. The restaurant is across the street from the hotel.


340. You can’t miss it. 你不会错过的。

341. Do you happen to know Mr. Cooper’s telephone number?  


342. Could you tell me where the nearest telephone is? 


343. Should I go this way,or that way? 


344. Go that way for two blocks,then turn left. 


345. I beg your pardon.Is this seat taken? 


346. Are you married?  你结婚了吗?

347. No,I’m not married.I’m still single. 


348. Your niece is engaged,isn’t she? 


349. My sister has been engaged for two months.


350. My grandfather got married in 1921.


351. When is grandparents’ wedding anniversary? 


352. How long have they been married? 他们结婚多久了?

353. They’ve been married for quite a few years.


354. Who did George marry? 乔治和谁结婚了?

355. Do they have children? 你有孩子了吗?

356. They had a baby last month. 他们上个月有的孩子。

357. My son wants to get married in June. 


358. They don’t know when the wedding will be.


359. Their grandchildren are grown up now.


360. She’s a widow.Her husband died last year.



361. Where did you grow up? 你在哪长大?

362. I grew up right here in this neighborhood.


363. My friend spent his childhood in California . 


364. He lived in California until he was seventeen. 


365. There have been a lot of changes here in the last 20 years.


366. There used to be a grocery store on the corner. 


367. All of those houses have been built in the last ten years.


368. They’re building a new house up the street . 


369. If you buy that home, will you spend the rest of your life there? 


370. Are your neighbors very friendly? 你的邻居们友好吗?

371. We all know each other pretty well. 


372. A young married couple moved in next door to us. 


373. Who bought that new house down the street from you? 


374. An old man rented the big white house.


375. What beautiful trees those are! 多漂亮的树呀!

376. What time are you going to get up tomorrow morning? 


377. I’ll probably wake up early and get up at 6:30.


378. What will you do then? 然后你做些什么呢?

379. After I get dressed,I’ll have breakfast.


380. What will you have for breakfast tomorrow morning? 


381. I’ll probably have eggs and toast for breakfast.


382. After breakfast,I’ll get ready to go to work.


383. I’ll leave the house at 8:00 and get to the office at 8:30.


384. I’ll probably go out for lunch at about 12:30.


385. I’ll finish working at 5:30 and get home by 6 o’clock. 


386. Are you going to have dinner at home tomorrow night? 


387. Do you think you’ll go to the movies tomorrow night? 


388. I’ll probably stay home and watch television.


389. When I get sleepy,I’ll probably get ready for bed. 


390. Do you think you’ll be able to go to sleep right away? 


391. How is the weather today? 今天的天气怎样?

392. The weather is nice today. 今天天气很好。

393. What was the weather like yesterday? 


394. Yesterday it rained all day.昨天下了一天的雨。

395. What will the weather be like tomorrow? 


396. It’s going to snow tomorrow.明天有雪。

397. It’s quite cold today.今天真冷。

398. It’s been cloudy all morning.整个早上都多云。

399. Is it raining now? 现在在下雨吗?

400. It’ll probably clear up this afternoon.


401. The days are getting hotter. 天气在转暖。

402. Today is the first day of spring.今天是春天的第一天。

403. What’s the temperature today? 今天的气温是多少?

404. It’s about seventy degrees Fahrenheit this afternoon.


405. There’s a cool breeze this evening. 今晚有股冷风。

406. How are you feeling today? 今天感觉怎样?

407. I don’t feel very well this morning.


408. I was sick yesterday, but I’m better today.


409. My fever is gone,but I still have a cough.


410. My brother has a bad headache. 我哥哥很头痛。

411. Which of your arms is sore?  你的哪个胳膊痛?

412. My right arm hurts. It hurts right here.


413. What’s matter with you? 你怎么了?

414. I’ve got a pain in my back. 我背痛。

415. Which foot hurts?Is it the left one?  


416. How did you break your leg? 你怎样弄伤的脚?

417. I slipped on the stairs and fell down.I broke my leg.


418. Your right hand is swollen.Does it hurt? 


419. It’s bleeding.You’d better go see a doctor about that cut. 


420. I hope you’ll be well soon.希望你快些好。

421. I get out of bed about 7 oclock every morning.  


422. After getting up,I go into the bathroom and take a shower. 


423. Then,I brush my teeth and comb my hair. 然后我刷牙梳头。

424. After brushing my teeth,I put on my clothes. 我刷完牙后穿衣。

425. After that,I go downstairs to the kitchen to have breakfast.


426. After eating breakfast,I go back upstairs again. 


427. Then,it’s usually time to wake up my little brother.


428. He can’t dress himself yet because he’s too young. 


429. I wash his face and hands,and then I dress him.  


430. He tries to button his own shirt,but he can’t do it.  


431. My little brother takes a bath before he goes to bed at night.  


432. He always forgets to wash behind his ears.  


433. I’m always tired when I come home from work.  


434. At bedtime, I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas. 


435. I get into bed at about 11:30 and go right off to sleep. 


436. What do you think?Is that right? 


437. Cetainly.You’re absolutely right about that.


438. I think you’re mistaken about that.


439. I like hot weather best. 我最喜欢热天气。

440. Personally,I prefer winter weather.


441. Do you think it’s going to rain tomorrow? 


442. I don’t know whether it will rain or not.


443. In my opinion,that’s an excellent idea.


444. Why Mr. Cooper so tired?Do you have any idea? 


445. He’s tired because he worked hard all day today. 


446. What do you think of my children? 你觉得我的孩子怎样?

447. I think you have very attractive children. 


448. Please give me your frank opinion.


449. Do you really want to know what I think? 


450. Of course I want to know what your opinion is.


451. What do you plan to do tomorrow?  


452. I doubt that I’ll do anything tomorrow. 


453. Please excuse me for a little while. I want to do something. 


454. I imagine I’ll do some work instead of going to the movies. 


455. Will it be convenient for you to explain your plans to him? 


456. There’s nothing to do because tomorrow is a holliday.


457. What’s your brother planning to do tomorrow?


458. He can’t decide what to do.


459. It’s difficult to make a decision without knowing all the facts. 


460. We’re trying to plan our future. 我们在努力计划我们的未来。      

461. That’s a good idea.  好想法。

462. I’m hoping to spend a few days in the mountains.


463. Would you consider going north this summer? 


464. If there’s a chance you’ll go, I’d like to go with you. 


465. After you think it over, please let me know what you decide.

     在你仔细考虑之后,请让我知道你决定怎么做。   466. I’m anxious to know what your decision is. 


467. I’m confident  you’ve made the right choice. 


468. I want to persuade you to change your mind.


469. Will you accept my advice? 你会接受我的建议吗?

470. What have you decided? 你决定了什么?

471. I’ve definitely decided to go to California. 


472. He didn’t want to say anything to influence my decision.


473. She refuses to make up her mind.她拒绝下决心。

474. I assume you’ve decided against buying a new car. 


475. It took him a long time to make up his mind. 


476. You can go whenever you wish. 你可以去你想去的地方。

477. We’re willing to accept your plan. 我们打算接受你的计划。

478. He knows it’s inconvenient ,but he wants to go anyway. 


479. According to Mr. Green, this is a complicated problem.


480. She insists that it doesn’t make any difference to her.



481. Are you going to go any place this year? 


482. If I have enough money,I’m going to take a trip abroad.


483. How are you going?Are you going by boat? 


484. It’s faster to go by plane than by boat.坐飞机比坐船快。

485. What’s the quickest way to get there? 


486. Altogether it will take ten days to make the trip.


487. I hope you have a good time on your trip.祝你旅途愉快。

488. I’m leaving tomorrow,but I haven’t packed my suitcases yet.


489. I’m going by air.I like flying.我打算坐飞机去,我喜欢乘飞机。

490. My brother took a trip to Mexico.我哥哥去了莫斯科旅行。

491. It was a six-hour flight. 这是6小时的航程。

492. How many passengers were on the train? 火车上有多少乘客?

493. His friend was injured in an airplane crash.


494. Would you like to go for a walk? 你喜欢去散散步吗?

495. Let’s go out to the airport. The plane landed ten minutes ago.


496. I’m going shopping because I need to buy some clothes.


497. If this shirt doesn’t fit,may I bring it back later?


498. What size shoes do you wear?你穿多大号的鞋?

499. That suit looks very good on you.你穿这个外套很合身。

500. This dress is made of silk,isn’t it?


501. I’d like to try on this sweater.我很想试一下这件毛衣。

502. I’m interested in buying a new car.我很想买辆新车。

503. What’s the price of that electric iron?那个熨斗多少钱?

504. How much is this rug?这个地毯多少钱?

505. Is this toothpaste on sale today?今天有牙膏卖吗?

506. That’s a beautiful leather wallet,but it costs too much.


507. How much do I owe you?我欠你多少钱?

508. That will be eighteen dollars and seventy-five cents.


509. Do you have change for a twenty-dollar bill?


510. The clerk helped me find what I wanted.


511. What would you like to eat?  你想吃什么?

512. I’d like a bowl of tamoto soup,please. 


513. The waiter seems to be in a hurry to take our order.  


514. Which would you rather have--steak or fish?  


515. I want my steak well-done.  我想要全熟的牛排。

516. What kinds of vegetables do you have? 你想要哪种蔬菜?

517. I’ll have mashed potatoes .我想要些土豆泥。

518. Would you please pass the salt?  你能把盐递过来吗?

519. They serve good food in this restaurant.


520. Are you ready for your dessert now?  你准备好吃点心了吗?

521. This knife is dirty.Would you bring me a clean one,please?  


522. May I check,please?  我能检查一下吗?

523. You have your choice of three flavors of ice cream. 


524. We have vanilla,chocolate,and strawberry.


525. We invited two guests to dinner,but they didn’t come.


526. How long did the movie last?  


527. The feature started at 9 o’clock and ended at 11:30. 


528. They say the new film is an adventure story.


529. A group of us went out to the theater last night. 


530. The new play was good and everybody enjoyed it. 


531. By the time we got there,the play had already begun. 


532. The usher showed us to our seats. 


533. The cast of the play included a famous actor. 


534. After the play was over,we all wanted to get something to eat. 


535. There was a big crowd and we had difficulty getting a taxi.


536. The restaurant was filled,so we decided to go elsewhere. 


537. My brother wants to learn how to dance. 我弟弟想学跳舞。

538. We don’t go dancing very often. 我们不经常去跳舞。

539. Which would you rather do--go dancing or go to cinema?  


540. I’m not accustomed to going out after dark. 我不习惯晚上出去。

541. I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr. Cooper. 


542. Would you like to arrange for a personal interview?  


543. Your appointment will be next Thursday at 10 o’clock. 


544. I can come any day except Thursday. 我除了星期四每天都能来。

545. He wants to change his appointment from Monday to Wednesday. 


546. She failed to call the office to cancel her appointment. 


547. I’m going to call the employment agency for a job. 


548. Please fill in this application form. 请填写这张申请表。

549. Are you looking for a permanent position?  


550. I’m going to call a plumber to come this afternoon. 


551. I couldn’t keep the appointment because I was sick. 


552. I’m a new employee.I was hired yesterday. 


553. Please call before you come,otherwise we might not be home.


554. Let’s make a date to go shopping next Thursday. 


555. Will you please lock the door when you leave? 


556. I went to see my doctor for a check-up yesterday. 


557. The doctor discovered that I’m a little overweight. 


558. He gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure.  


559. He told me to take these pills every four hours.


560. Do you think the patient can be cured?  


561. They operated on him last night.昨天晚上他们给他做了手术。

562. He needed a blood transfusion. 他需要输血。

563. My uncle had a heart attack last year. 


564. They had to call in a heart specialist. 


565. What did the doctor say? 医生说什么?

566. The doctor advised me to get plenty of exercise. 


567. The doctor said I look pale. 


568. If I want to be healthy,I have to stop smoking cigarettes.


569. The physician said smoking is harmful to my health.


570. It’s just a mosquito bite.There’s nothing to worry about.


571. You’re wanted on the telephone. 有你的电话。

572. What number should I dial to get the operator?  


573. I want to make a long distance call. 我想打个长途。

574. Pick up the receiver and deposit a coin in the slot. 


575. I tried to call Mr. Cooper,but the line was busy. 


576. You must have dialed the wrong number.你一定打错电话了。

577. I dialed the right number,but nobody answered. 


578. The telephone is ringing,would you answer it,please?  


579. Would you like to leave a message?  你想留下什么口信儿吗?

580. Who is this?I don’t recognize your voice. 


581. Would you please tell Mr. Cooper I called?  


582. Is this Empire 5-4093?  是帝国5-4093吗?

583. I have to hang up now. 现在我不得不挂断电话。

584. Put the receiver closer to your mouth.I can’t hear you. 


585. Would you mind calling back sometime tomorrow?  


586. How long has it been since you’ve heard from your uncle?  


587. When was the last time he wrote you ?  


588. I can’t recall how long it’s been. 


589. I’m always disappointed when I don’t get any mail. 


590. I feel guilty because I haven’t written her lately. 


591. What time is the mail delivered on Saturday?  


592. The postman always comes at 2 oclock. 邮递员通常在两点来。

593. I wrote to my uncle last night.I couldnt put it off any longer. 


594. I enclosed some photographs in my letter. 我在信里加了几张照片。

595. I didn’t know whether to send the letter airmail or not. 


596. How long does it take for a letter to get to California ?  


597. Don’t forget to put stamps on the letter before you mail it. 


598. He went to the post office to mail a letter.他去邮局邮信了。

599. I dropped the letter in the mailbox on the corner. 


600. How did you sign the letter? Did you write,“sincerely yours”? 

     你怎样在信上填写,是601. A strange thing happened to me this morning.
